Teaching and Learning

students in workshopThe Faculty of Graduate Studies will hold its annual orientation workshop for new GAs and TAs on Wednesday, Sept. 4.

Workshop to orient new graduate and teaching assistants

The Faculty of Graduate Studies will hold its annual orientation workshop for new GAs and TAs on Wednesday, Sept. 4.

cookbook and orange T-shirtSubmit family favourite recipes for a cookbook raising funds for Indigenous students.

Last call for recipe submissions

Submit family favourite recipes for a cookbook raising funds for Indigenous students.

student dons a glove wired to a computerStudents demonstrate a motion gesture glove, one of the cornerstone design projects by first-year engineering students displayed July 31.

Students display cornerstone design projects

First-year students of engineering filled the foyer of the Centre for Engineering Innovation on July 31, showcasing their group projects.
Kayla Jakobszen, Jana Jandal Alrifai, Sona Regonda, Anastasia Kulaga, Tim BrunetThe 2023 UWindsor team at the Model United Nations conference in Washington, D.C. Kayla Jakobszen, Jana Jandal Alrifai, Sona Regonda, Anastasia Kulaga, and Tim Brunet.

Model United Nations team seeking Bangladeshi coaching

A team of UWindsor students who will represent Bangladesh at a Model United Nations conference in Washington, D.C. this November is seeking guidance from citizens of that country attending or working at the University.