Siu Le and Jennie Atkins flanked by CAUCE officials Ewa Wasniewski and Rod Lastra.UWindsor Continuing Education received an award for marketing excellence at the conference of the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, May 22 in Calgary. Marketing co-ordinator Siu Le and executive director Jennie Atkins are flanked by CAUCE officials Ewa Wasniewski and Rod Lastra.

No-cost marketing wins peer recognition for Continuing Education

The key feature of the Applied Leadership Program offered through Continuing Education is its partnership with industry that provides learners with real-world scenarios for applying course concepts.

Bringing on Stellantis as the project partner for 2023 enabled Continuing Education to leverage the automaker’s established presence in the region to boost both interest and registration in the course, says marketing co-ordinator Siu Le.

“We used all communication platforms to ensure maximum coverage, utilizing all owned media, leaning into the brand recognition of Stellantis and the University of Windsor,” she says.

“We attracted learners within the target market, including engineers, technicians, analysts, supervisors, managers, HR directors, administrators, and post-graduate students from various areas such as IT, healthcare, media, business development, manufacturing, automotive, marketing, sales, education, and insurance.”

That success was recognized last week by the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education, which conferred on the project an award for marketing with no budget. The award honours effective use of media — social, digital, print, and news — to reach audiences.

“This recognition demonstrates the value of strategic application of resources to reach our goals,” says Jennie Atkins, executive director of Continuing Education. “Siu’s campaign was cost-effective and exceeded our objectives.”