Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering InnovationThe Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association is opening its first Windsor office, in the Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation.

Auto industry association chooses campus for local office

Hosting an office of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association on campus highlights the University of Windsor’s tangible commitment to fostering bold and impactful research and innovation, says Shanthi Johnson, vice-president, research and innovation.

The association is opening a permanent office in Windsor for the first time in its 72-year history, locating it in the Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation (CEI).

“The University of Windsor is thrilled to welcome the APMA to our campus and looks forward to collaboratively expanding the scope of research and discovery efforts in the automobility sector,” Dr. Johnson said.

Locating the office in the CEI recognizes its position of influence in the sector. A hub for industry collaboration, research and development, and a proven training ground for the next generation of leaders, the location will enhance the APMA’s access to Windsor-area resources, advocacy, and networking opportunities.

Founded in 1952, the APMA is Canada’s national association representing original equipment manufacturer (OEM) producers of parts, equipment, tools, supplies, advanced technology, and services for the worldwide automotive industry. Its membership accounts for 90 per cent of independent part production in Canada.

After 10 years of solid growth and with membership at 25-year highs, the expansion reflects the APMA’s growing impact in Canadian advocacy. Opening an office in Canada’s automaking capital is a renewal of the commitment to effectively represent automotive suppliers and nurture growth and innovation in Canada’s biggest advanced manufacturing sector.

The Windsor office will be staffed initially by two recruits known to the sector who bring a wealth of knowledge to the team. Mike Bilton, vice-president of supplier programs, will be joined by senior director Karen Speers. Both have spent their careers in the Windsor supplier sector and have been advising the APMA for years in critical sectoral disciplines.

“We are fortunate to have secured commitments from Mike and Karen to launch the first Windsor office in the history of the APMA,” said association president Flavio Volpe. “They will be key in carrying Windsor’s perspective to Toronto and Ottawa and to automotive capitals around the world.”

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