shipping cartons in warehouseMake sure international shipments arrive before the winter break, advises the Procurement Department.

Arrange international deliveries in advance of winter break

With the winter break fast approaching, the Procurement Department advises all campus recipients of international shipments to ensure they receive deliveries in time.

  • The last day to receive shipments to the Michigan warehouse is Wednesday, Dec. 13.
  • The last day for international shipments to be delivered to campus is Monday, Dec. 18.

Any shipments attempting delivery later than these dates are at risk of being returned to sender or stuck at customs.

To mitigate the risk of delays, complications in clearing, or additional non-refundable Canadian Border Service Agency fees:

  • Work with shippers to secure delivery by the respective deadlines.
  • Ensure all shipments have a completed customs form.

Direct questions relating to the December importation cut-off dates or any other customs issue to