Joel Gagnon

Anneke SmitAnneke Smit, associate professor in the Faculty of Law, has taken up a one-year appointment as special advisor to the provost on the Detroit-Windsor United Nations Regional Centre of Expertise for Sustainability in Education.

Law professor to advise on sustainability in education

Anneke Smit is special advisor to the provost on the Detroit-Windsor United Nations Regional Centre of Expertise for Sustainability in Education.

UWindsor's Joel Gagnon, associate professor and department head of Earth and Environmental Sciences, examines a sample of well water taken from a residence in Chatham-Kent.UWindsor's Joel Gagnon, associate professor and department head of Earth and Environmental Sciences, examines a sample of well water taken from a residence in Chatham-Kent.

UWindsor prof brings analytical eye to Chatham-Kent well water issue

A teaching opportunity that mirrors the conditions and pressures of the real world doesn’t come along every day.

So when the University of Windsor’s Joel Gagnon was approached to analyze well water at the centre of a contentious debate in Chatham-Kent, he knew he had to get involved.

“This is the exact opportunity we want for students in our field school,” said Dr. Gagnon, department head in Earth and Environmental Sciences. “It gives us real word problems where they can create data that may have real value to decision makers.”