Human Kinetics

Richard PeddieAuthor and retired business executive Richard Peddie will impart leadership lessons in a free public lecture Friday in the Human Kinetics Building.

Leadership lessons subject of lecture

Author and retired business executive Richard Peddie will impart leadership lessons in a free public lecture Friday in the Human Kinetics Building.

Lancer athletes piling onto balloons.Lancer athletes strategize in a team-building exercise to predict how many people they can pile on balloons without popping any.

Coaches and athletes primed to tackle hazing

An anti-hazing workshop promoted alternative team-building exercises to Lancer athletes and coaches Wednesday.

Nicole George won an award for her movement science poster presentation during the 2015 Kinesiology Research Day.Nicole George won an award for her movement science poster presentation during the 2015 Kinesiology Research Day.

Kinesiology research subject of Tuesday showcase

The 10th annual Kinesiology Research Day will showcase student work Tuesday, March 22.