Niousha Bahadori wearing honour roll cordNiousha Bahadori sports the blue and gold cord earned by 309 inaugural honour roll graduates of the Master of Engineering program.

Award recognizes outstanding Master of Engineering grads

An honour roll cord he received at Convocation is particular meaningful because it reflects the support of family, friends, and mentors, says Gurbhej Singh, who celebrated in June graduating from the Master of Engineering program.

“It serves as a reminder of the value of perseverance and inspires me to continue pursuing excellence in all my endeavours,” Singh said. “I would also like to extend my gratitude to the University of Windsor for providing such an enriching environment that has enabled me to achieve this milestone.”

The new award was extended to graduating MEng candidates with a minimum 85 per cent grade point average and no final grade below 70 per cent. A total of 309 honour roll grads in the program crossed the stage June 5 and 6.

Niousha Bahadori said the achievement means more than just academic success.

“It represents the countless hours of studying, the support of my professors and peers, and the realization of my goals in materials engineering,” she said. “It’s a testament to hard work and dedication paying off, and I’m excited about the opportunities it opens up for my future.”

Peter Frise, associate dean of engineering for professional programs, said the faculty looks forward to carrying on this new tradition.

“We are delighted and very proud of the scholastic achievements of these excellent MEng graduates,” said Dr. Frise. “They will carry forward the reputation of the University of Windsor Faculty of Engineering as they continue their professional careers.”

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