
Office of Open Learning extends deadline for OER ACE grants

The Office of Open Learning has extended the deadline for the OER ACE Grants to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20, in response to a number of requests for extensions.

“There are a lot of people with really good and interesting ideas about how to create and use open educational resources in their teaching, and we want to ensure that there is enough time to put together the best possible application at such a busy time of the year,” said Nick Baker, director of the Office of Open Learning.

T4 slipsThe UWindsor Human Resources Department is seeking to update home addresses for faculty, staff, and student employees to prepare 2018 tax slips.

Correct mailing address necessary for tax slip issuance

The UWindsor Human Resources Department is seeking to update home addresses for faculty, staff, and student employees to prepare 2018 tax slips.