Civil and Environmental Engineering

Girls work on experimentsBadge Day, March 11 on the UWindsor campus, will give local Girl Guides a chance to earn three badges while exploring engineering and science.

Day of campus activities to help Girl Guides earn badges

Badge Day, March 11 on the UWindsor campus, will give local Girl Guides a chance to earn three badges while exploring engineering and science.

Engineering students George Vereyken, Matthew Lemmon, Cameron McDonald, Nathan Barbarossa and Joshua Haddad display their award-winning design for the Gordie Howe International Bridge.Engineering students George Vereyken, Matthew Lemmon, Cameron McDonald, Nathan Barbarossa and Joshua Haddad display their award-winning design for the Gordie Howe International Bridge.

Student projects bridge gap between theory and practice

A competition Tuesday saw civil engineering students design and test model bridges.

Mike Havey, Nihar Biswas, Richard PeddieEngineering professor Nihar Biswas (centre) receives congratulations from athletic director Mike Havey and alumnus Richard Peddie on an award recognizing his support of Lancer student-athletes.

Engineering professor recognized for his work outside of the classroom

Nihar Biswas’s dedication to the University of Windsor extends well beyond the classroom walls. When Dr. Biswas isn’t lecturing on water quality and waste management, the civil engineering professor is helping attract top student athletes to UWindsor.

“While many of our students and staff may recognize Nihar as a frequent visitor to the St. Denis Centre and a regular exerciser on our track, what many probably don’t know is all the work he is doing behind the scenes to help our Lancer teams,” athletic director Mike Havey said April 6 at the Lancer Evening of Excellence.

Priscilla Williams displays her research on climate change and the Great Lakes.Priscilla Williams, a PhD candidate in civil and environmental engineering, displays her research on climate change and the Great Lakes in the Centre for Engineering Innovation.

Engineering students posit climate change responses

UWindsor engineering students are bracing for a wetter future created by climate change by examining and improving the design of local water systems.