A program of the faculties of engineering and science will give local Girl Guides a chance to earn three badges while exploring both fields through hands-on activities on the UWindsor campus.
Girls Guides earn badges in recognition of skills they’ve developed and community service, and wear them on their uniforms. Badge Day workshops will qualify them for awards in Recycling, Body Systems, and a joint Physics badge in engineering and science.
“It promises to be an exciting day and the good news is that any Girl Guides who attended last year’s event are more than welcome to attend this year’s event,” says organizer Mike Konstantino, engineering outreach coordinator. “We will be doing different engineering and science activities than we did last year.”
The program will run 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 11, in the Centre for Engineering Innovation. Registration is free and includes lunch. Girl Guides interested in attending should contact their troop leaders — only leaders may register.
Find more information and an online registration form on the event website.