Encouraging results investigating natural treatments for cancer continue to generate support for the work of biochemistry professor Siyaram Pandey.
Encouraging results investigating natural treatments for cancer continue to generate support for the work of biochemistry professor Siyaram Pandey.
UWindsor chemist John Trant’s research into new treatments for rheumatoid arthritis has earned him a $375,000 grant from the Arthritis Society.
Aleena Malik and Renée Goodman won $750 in a student research competition at the 2019 Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada national conference.
A UWindsor chemist is working to design a nanoscopic implant that can slowly release medication and self-destruct when it’s done.
Simon Rondeau-Gagné is in the early stages of developing implantable or injectable “nanoantennas” to deliver electric charges to brain tumours.
Three teams of UWindsor professors have received grants for cancer research projects as part of a $200,000 announcement made Monday.
UWindsor researchers John Trant and Dana Ménard say their review of academic lab safety paints a troubling picture.
UWindsor students are conducting research in Alberta’s oilfields as part of a study led by chemistry professor Scott Mundle.
Graduate students in the Master of Medical Biotechnology program travelled to Etobicoke for a tour of the Apotex pharmaceutical manufacturing site.
Chemistry professor John Trant has been awarded $150,000 to further his biomedical research.