Drama students Adam Kleinsmith, Hayley Mehenka, and Kate Fase.Drama students Adam Kleinsmith, Hayley Mehenka, and Kate Fase rehearse a short play in the CAW Student Centre in preparation for “Performing Precarity.”

Dramatic art students to act out effects of financial insecurity

Drama students will perform across campus on Wednesday, Dec. 4, in a site-specific show tackling financial insecurity and its impact on the student experience.

Performing Precarity explores the effects of financial and budgetary constraints in areas such as student housing, mental health, and food insecurity.

Students from two classes in the School of Dramatic Art have been collaborating all semester to create the show. Prof. Alice Nelson’s class in applied theatre devised performances based on research and interviews with students and experts from across campus, in areas including the Campus Food Pantry; Student Health, Counselling and Wellness; the International Student Centre; Student Financial Aid; and Residence Services. Members of Michelle MacArthur’s criticism and dramaturgy class provided support on script development and are leading the audience outreach planned for Wednesday’s event.

“This was an opportunity for our students to work together and apply the skills they’ve been learning through the creation of original short plays about issues that matter to them,” said Dr. MacArthur.

Julia Young, a student in both courses, called the experience eye-opening.

“I was shocked to learn how food insecurity affects many international students, who often face additional barriers like limited work hours and unfamiliarity with local resources,” she said. “This project has made me realize the importance of building a supportive community to help our peers navigate these challenges and ensure no one goes hungry."

Performing Precarity begins at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in the lobby of the Jackman Dramatic Art Centre and will lead audiences to different campus sites to watch five short scenes. The performance will conclude in the Jackman building for a talk back session at 2:45 p.m. featuring some of the partners interviewed for the project.

The performances are free, but audience members are encouraged to bring donations for the Campus Food Pantry.

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