The Faculty of Science will welcome all local bird enthusiasts to Walkerville Brewery on Thursday, Nov. 28, for an evening of feathers and fun.
The community outreach event “Science On Tap: Birds and Beers IV” will include lightning talks by University of Windsor ornithologists, graduate student bird posters, a trivia contest, a Science Meets Art exhibit, and a prize draw for a pair of Vortex binoculars.
“Birds of a feather gather together,” said organizer Dan Mennill, associate dean of science. “This event will be a chance for local bird enthusiasts to gather together to learn about the world-class bird science taking place on our campus.”
The event is hosted jointly by the Faculty of Science and the University of Windsor Ornithology Club and is the fourth in the series. The first three Birds and Beers events each attracted more than 100 people.
True to the event’s name, every ticket purchased includes one beer or another drink of choice. Food will be available for purchase.
Windsor is a hot spot for birds,” Dr. Mennill said.
“Billions of birds migrate over the Great Lakes every year. This makes the Windsor region the perfect place to study bird biology,” he said. “This evening will be a great chance for us to share our research with the local community while we dip our beaks and share some chatter about research.”
The event runs from 7 to 10 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 28, at Walkerville Brewery, 525 Argyle Rd. Tickets are $15 ($10 for students), available for online purchase: https://tinyurl.com/birdsbeers4.