As co-ordinator of the annual Children’s Aid Society Holiday Program for the Odette School of Business, Linda Ingram always requested the largest family possible.
The program — a tradition on the UWindsor campus — collects gifts to bring joy to local children in need.
“Some years, we would include an independent youth, since we collected such a large amount,” recalls Ingram, who took on the volunteer task in 2011. “In every year we collected $900 to $1,100 from faculty and staff, although last year I made an e-transfer option available and collected $1,762.”
Secretary to the associate deans of business, she will retire at the end of this month — and says collecting for the adopted family will be one of the things she misses.
“Some people really enjoy shopping, especially those of us who don’t have little ones in our families anymore,” Ingram says. “I particularly always enjoyed buying something that the family would never buy for themselves.
“If there is at least one young child, I usually include the biggest teddy bear I could find. Can you just imagine the excitement Christmas morning? I always pause on Christmas day and try to imagine the kids finding things they were dreaming of.”
Aimee Robertson, secretary in the Odette Student Success Centre, will take up the reins as Ingram retires.
There is still time for departments and individuals to sign up to participate, says campus effort co-ordinator Sabina Howell.
“Anyone wanting that warm glow that Linda describes can help a local family or youth by getting a wish list and making some wishes come true,” she says.
Email Howell at Sabina.Howell@uwindsor.ca to indicate interest. Items must be delivered to the Welcome Centre on Dec. 10.