The City of Windsor will transform eight kilometres of roadway into a vibrant, car-free space for the Open Streets festival on Sunday, Sept. 22. The closure of roadways to vehicular traffic allows people to use them for a host of healthy and fun physical activities like walking, cycling, yoga, dancing, and fitness.
The route starts on Erie Street and proceeds east to the Riverside neighbourhood along Ottawa Street, Walker Road, Richmond Street, Drouillard Road, and Wyandotte Street to St. Rose Avenue.
Activity hubs along the way promote community, local businesses, and organizations. The University will have a presence in Ford City, about the middle of the route, nestled between the shops and restaurants on Drouillard Road.
“Whether you’re walking, cycling, or scootering, be sure to stop and visit our booth,” says organizer Mona Sleiman, manager of outreach, events, and protocol in the Office of the President. “We’ll have activities, games, and prizes for everyone — while supplies last.”
Visitors will have a chance to take a photograph with the giant UWin letters. Grads who stop by to update their contact information for the alumni association will be entered into a draw for a prize package.
The event runs 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Find more details, including a map to the action, on the Open Streets website.