Earlier this week, the Faculty of Nursing launched the initial stages of what will become a new five-year strategic plan. Nursing has created an online survey and is requesting feedback.
The faculty’s previous interim strategic plan, 2020-23, was created prior to the campus-wide “Aspire: Together For Tomorrow” strategic planning process. Now that Aspire is in place, nursing’s initiative is the next step for the faculty.
“Since the institution-wide Aspire plan has already rolled out, we can build a sustainable plan that not only is an extension of Aspire, but also builds on recent successes of the faculty,” says dean of nursing Debbie Sheppard-LeMoine. “Now is the perfect time to develop and implement a faculty plan.”
A steering committee of staff, faculty, and students has been created to help facilitate the process. The online survey is intended to gather initial information on perceptions of the faculty, where it should be headed, and how people want to be engaged moving forward. It is open to the public as well as the campus community.
“I invite the entire campus and communities to share their thoughts and perspectives on the future of the Faculty of Nursing,” says Dr. Sheppard-LeMoine.
The survey is accessible here. Submissions are due by March 11. Survey participants will be eligible to win gift card prizes.