University Players is offering DailyNews readers a chance to win two tickets to its current production, The Glass Menagerie.
The Tennessee Williams drama is inspired by events from the playwright’s life.
To enter the contest, just send your answers to the following trivia questions. A winner, selected at random from all correct responses received by noon Thursday, Jan. 25, will receive two tickets to attend a performance.
- The play is set in what city, where Williams lived from 1918-1939?
a) Atlanta
b) New Orleans
c) St. Louis
- The play’s character Laura, who suffers physical and mental health issues, is thought to represent the playwright’s sister. What was her name?
a) Edwina
b) Lily
c) Rose
- The Glass Menagerie premiered in 1944 in which city?
a) Chicago
b) Detroit
c) New York
Contest is open to all readers of the DailyNews. Send an e-mail with your responses to uofwnews@uwindsor.ca.
The Glass Menagerie continues in the Essex Hall Theatre through Jan. 28. Performances Thursday, Friday, and Saturday begin at 7:30 p.m., with a Sunday matinée at 2 p.m. Student tickets are just $10; get more details and visit the box office on the University Players website.