Fourteen UWindsor researchers in the faculties of science and engineering have received nearly $2.5 million in 2023 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery grants.
“Federal funding awarded through the NSERC Discovery program provides critical support to our researchers who are pursuing ground-breaking research at the frontiers of science and engineering,” said Shanthi Johnson, vice-president, research and innovation.
“Discovery grants are vital to our research ecosystem, allowing our faculty to explore the most pressing challenges in their fields while supporting the capacity and talent pipeline of the scientists and engineers in training.”
Funded research projects include the health of the Great Lakes, studying border traffic using machine learning, green energy sources, and early mammalian development with grants ranging from $32,000 to $51,000 per year for five years.
One of those projects is led by Arezoo Emadi, professor of electrical and computer engineering. Dr. Emadi says this grant will launch her research project, titled “A new approach in extending the boundaries of autonomous early detection using a novel micromachined resonator.”
“This research program pioneers an innovative micromachined sensor as an emerging technology to deliver a cost-effective autonomous solution for greenhouse pest detection at an early stage,” she says.
In addition, Tricia Carmichael, chemistry and biochemistry professor, led the successful $150,000 Research Tools and Instrumentation grant and Brian DeVeale, biomedical sciences assistant professor, received an Early Career Researcher Launch Supplement.
“We are grateful to NSERC for the opportunity to pioneer an approach to reveal critical targets within larger microRNA target networks,” says Dr. DeVeale. “We are excited to develop the approach and apply it to various clinically relevant microRNAs.”
Six engineering and eight science researchers have been awarded the federal grants.
“The Discovery Research Program fosters research excellence by supporting the long-term goals of a diversified base of researchers at different career stages across Canada while also providing stimulating research training opportunities for the scientists and engineers of tomorrow,” said Alejandro Adem, NSERC president.
“The people behind these explorative research programs lay the groundwork for a thriving research enterprise in Canada. They make the discoveries that ultimately improve our society and quality of life. At NSERC, we make sure this program remains relevant and impactful.”
Here is the list of projects and their lead UWindsor researchers:
- Jalal Ahamed – Development of high precision and highly stable micro inertial sensing systems
- Maher Azzouz – Complementary protection and control of modern power grids for seamless integration of green energy sources
- Xuexiu Chang – Effects of blooming cyanobacteria on fish in the Great Lakes: from new neurotoxins mining to lake investigations
- Brian DeVeale – Dissecting microRNA function in early mammalian development
- Waguih ElMaraghy – Cyber-physical products and engineered systems design for smart manufacturing
- Arezoo Emadi – A new approach in extending the boundaries of autonomous early detection using a novel micromachined resonator
- Drew Marquardt – Investigation of the molecular interactions of vitamin E with cellular membranes: Towards solving a 100-year-old mystery
- Hanna Maoh – Development and application of machine learning and microsimulation models to study traffic at Canada’s busiest land border crossings
- Trevor Pitcher – Pre- and post-mating sexual selection and variation in reproductive fitness of alternative reproductive tactics
- Steven Rehse – Spectroscopy of laser-induced plasmas: an interdisciplinary research program for the 21st century
- David Ting – Contriving turbulence for engineering efficiency
- Jichang Wang – The study and application of chemical oscillators for the synthesis of functional materials
- Dilian Yang – Symmetry and self-similarity on operator algebras