Mementoes and awards previously posted in the lobby of Chrysler Hall Tower are out of sight but not out of mind, reports Facility Services.
Plaques acknowledging the winners of the President’s Achievement Award, Healthy Workplace Award, and the Kevin Doyle Award for Service to the Media have relocated to the University Archives, while varied certificates and honours from the United Way, Toronto District School Board, Canadian Association of University Business Officers, and others, are being held in temporary storage by Facility Services until they can be distributed to appropriate departments.
“We have heard people wondering what has happened to these items that have hung on the walls for years,” says Heather Cantin, space management assistant. “We want to reassure the campus community that they are safe and secure.”
Archived materials become part of the special collections tracing the history of the University of Windsor and are organized, catalogued, and stored with special care toward preservation. Learn more on the Leddy Library website.