A series of free jazz concerts in parks across Windsor will continue Wednesday, Aug. 2, with a performance by The New Standard at Wigle Park.
Presented by UWindsor staff member Kristen Siapas and funded by a municipal Arts, Culture and Heritage Fund Grant, the series features prominent local musicians in a relaxed setting, with opportunities for guests to sit back, relax, and enjoy an evening of music.
“This is an exciting opportunity for neighbours and community members to experience a free live concert from some of our city’s most talented jazz musicians,” says Siapas. “What we’re really hoping is that people come out to enjoy the music, connect with one another, and enjoy the use of our public spaces.
“It’s also a great chance to visit nearby restaurants and establishments and make a whole evening out of it.”
The New Standard features Sara Fontaine (BA 2009) on vocals, Ryan Fontaine on double bass, music instructor Mike Karloff on piano, and Vanessa Harnish (BMus 2008, B.Ed 2009) on percussion.
The city’s first official park, Wigle Park is located at the corner of Erie and McDougall streets.
Bring a blanket or a lawn chair to enjoy the show. Find more information on the event Facebook page.