The next two installments in the Canterbury ElderCollege Indigenous Speaker Series are set for the start of next week.
On Monday, March 13, Theresa Sims will present “The Gift of Indigenous Story Telling,” both in-person and online starting at 1:30 p.m. Sims is a traditional Indigenous Knowledge Keeper and Elder from the upper Mohawk, Turtle Clan of the Six Nations Reserve. She is the City of Windsor’s inaugural Indigenous Storyteller, committed to using her gifts of storytelling, songs, and dance to bring together the entire community while honouring and sharing the cultural traditions of her people.
On Tuesday, March 14, Rev. Mark Loyal will present “Indigenous Spirituality: Our Place in the World and Relation to the Land,” online starting at 1:30 p.m. From the Six Nations Reserve, a band member of the Seneca Nation and belonging to the Turtle Clan, Loyal is an Anglican priest. He will seek to define Aboriginal spirituality and provide insight into how it intersects with Christian traditions.
The events are free and open to the public, but organizers ask that attendees register in advance on the ElderCollege website.