The Summer 2022 recipients of the Co-op/Internship Rising Star Student Awards strived not only to achieve, but to surpass all expectations, says Kristen Morris, manager of co-operative education and workplace partnerships.
The awards are presented each term to recognize and celebrate the exceptional contributions co-op and internship students made while out on their work placements.
“This year’s honourees confronted all challenges with new and ideas and a positive attitude,” Morris says. “They are outstanding ambassadors for the co-op program and have done an exemplary job representing the University of Windsor within the broader community.”
The award recipients are:
Brent Charron, Bachelor of Applied Science, Mechanical Engineering Co-op
Charron completed his co-op placement as one of the first students in the Electrical Battery Division at Stellantis, where he worked alongside an international team to contribute to a variety of projects that utilized his skills in analysis methods, data organization, and efficient coding.
Lauren Gellner, Bachelor of Human Kinetics Co-op
Gellner completed her co-op placement at The Village at St. Clair location of Schlegel Villages, where she worked with the physiotherapy team to treat residents in long-term care. She made a significant impact on residents with chronic diseases or trauma, including working with a stroke patient to improve her range of motion, helping her to stand up for the first time in 10 months.
Carol Adu-Bobie, Bachelor of Commerce, Business Administration Co-op
Abu-Bodie completed her co-op placement at Nasdaq, where she was deeply immersed in perceptive study and analysis, playing a key role in improving processes and outreach initiatives.
Ehsan Ur Rahman Mohammed, Master of Science, Computer Science Co-op
Rahman Mohammed completed his co-op placement as a software developer at eMinds Lab in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Windsor, where he worked to analyze data and understand patterns as part of a research project to eliminate crop loss due to pests.
The recipients highlighted work experiences that helped them to step outside of their comfort zone and explore new career paths.
Charron says he had felt that he would pursue a career in academic research.
“However, completing my work term at Stellantis demonstrated to me that the research opportunities in industry also enable one to explore new ideas and problem solve with innovative solutions,” he says.
The Co-operative Education and Workplace Partnerships office congratulates the award recipients and all nominees for their contributions to the University of Windsor’s co-op and internship programs.
—Angela Kharboutli