Office offers support for students accused of misconduct

The Student Respect and Empowerment Office, a service of the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance, issues a reminder to full-time undergraduates as final examination season begins that it is here to defend and advocate for students facing charges or suspicion of academic or non-academic misconduct.

“Whether it means helping you access resources or being your defence advocate through the misconduct charges and complaints process, we’re here to help,” says co-ordinator Becka Morisson.

“Beyond plagiarism, cheating, and behavioural code of conduct violations, we can provide support on a range of issues, including interactions with university actors like financial services, residence services, and academic departments.”

Services offered by the Student Respect and Empowerment Office include:

  • Advising students of their rights when accused of misconduct
  • Helping students navigate the charges, complaints, hearings, and appeals process for academic and non-academic misconduct
  • Mediating professor-student conflicts
  • Navigating and dealing with sanctions
  • Negotiating student-to-student conflicts
  • Referring students to additional supports and resources

For more information or to access support, email