A presentation Tuesday, Nov. 22, will focus on understanding stream health in modern human-impacted landscapes.
Shayenna Nolan (BSc 2021), a PhD student in integrative biology and director of communications at the Healthy Headwaters Lab in the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research, will deliver “Streams of the Anthropocene” over Zoom starting at 7 p.m.
Hosted by the Friends of Ojibway Prairie, the webinar will highlight key findings in a study of the Grand Marais Drain running through the Spring Garden Natural Area of the Ojibway Prairie Complex. Situated in the Windsor-Essex region of southwestern Ontario, the stream ecosystems in this study are impacted from both urbanized and agricultural land uses.
The Friends of Ojibway Prairie is a volunteer organization dedicated to promoting public awareness of the Ojibway Prairie Complex and its unique biological and historical importance. Members work closely with the City of Windsor and Ontario Parks to provide assistance with educational programs, special events, and restoration projects.
Interested guests can register to attend the webinar on the event listing and to be provided with the link.