Diabetes is awful, and everyone with it deserves a supportive community of people who can relate, says Athina Woldemichael.
A French studies major, she is working to start a UWindsor chapter of the College Diabetes Network, providing peer connections and expert resources to students with type 1 diabetes.
“As someone who’s had type 1 diabetes since I was a kid, I know how much it sucks,” says Woldemichael. “Nobody should ever feel alone in this battle.”
As an official campus club, the group would host meetings and social activities to build a supportive community, she says.
“My vision is to have an environment where you can complain about any of the things about this illness that make you want to rip your hair out,” Woldemichael says. “Where there are other people who can not only relate, but also offer solutions or suggestions, when possible, of how to make life more manageable.”
She notes the chapter will also be open to those who don’t have diabetes but have loved ones who do, or who want to learn more about the condition.
To indicate interest in joining the University of Windsor chapter of the College Diabetes Network, email Woldemichael at uwindsor@collegediabetesnetwork.org.