For early career and established researchers alike, navigating the steps between receiving a grant and starting your research can be challenging. How do you access funds and hire research assistance? Where do you start with getting clearance from Research Ethics? And what are your financial responsibilities?
Researchers at all career stages have a chance to learn these processes from the experts in a lunchtime webinar on Friday, Aug. 19. Presented by the Office of Research and Innovation Services together with the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation; the Office of Research Ethics; Human Resources; and Research Finance; this session will help you get from a successful grant proposal to a successful research project and equip you with the knowledge to navigate the many systems supporting researchers at the University of Windsor.
The workshop, entitled “You won a grant! Now what?” promises information on getting a new research project off the ground.
Presenters include:
- Kate Rosser-Davies, research systems and metrics co-ordinator;
- Amy Taylor, executive assistant to the vice-president, research and innovation;
- Paige Sowerby, manager of restricted funds;
- Harmony Peach, manager, Office of Research Ethics;
- and a representative of Human Resources to be announced.
The session will run 12 to 1:30 p.m. over Microsoft Teams and include time to ask your most pressing questions and get the right answers quickly. Registration in advance is free but required to attend.