Windsor-Essex could be a more welcoming community for international students, and Ronnie Haidar wants to help.
A doctoral candidate in argumentation studies, he is working with the Windsor-Essex Local Immigration Partnership to fulfill the experimental learning requirement of his PhD program. The organization conducted a survey of international students attending the University of Windsor and St. Clair College and is now soliciting feedback on its findings, available here.
“We are holding a forum inviting international students in Windsor-Essex to share their input and experiences on living, working, and learning in this community,” Haidar says. “We are looking for ways to better support this population, which has grown so much in the last five years.”
The event will be held via Zoom videoconference on Wednesday, April 6, from 6 to 7 p.m. It is open to any international student currently enrolled at the University of Windsor or St. Clair College. All participants will be entered into a draw to win an Amazon gift card.
Space is limited; register here to attend.