The Campus Community Garden has wrapped up another productive growing season.
UWindsor students and local community members participated in activities including berry picking, tending to the compost pile, harvesting produce for donation, and winterizing plots in preparation for colder weather, led by Jenna O’Brien, the project’s volunteers and events co-ordinator.
“Several gardeners grew garden plots entirely dedicated to donation and donated over 95 pounds of fresh produce to local organizations such as the Downtown Mission, Brentwood Recovery Home, and the Welcome Centre Shelter for Women,” says O’Brien. “The garden was able to give back to the local community and help promote food security in the City of Windsor.”
O’Brien says it provides a meaningful volunteer experience and allows students to learn more about sustainability and organic urban gardening.
The events were sponsored by TD Friends of the Environment Foundation and the UWindsor Graduate Student Society.
For those interested in participating in the 2022 gardening season, contact organizers at communitygarden@uwindsorgss.ca or visit the website at uwindsor.ca/campuscommunitygarden.