The Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences created email postcards and sent one to each of its first-year students. It’s the second year for the gesture.
“After another difficult semester, we wanted to send support to our first-year students as they prepare for their final exams,” said Tony Vo, student experience co-ordinator in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. “We hope that after receiving a postcard from us, our first-year students will feel encouraged and motivated when they are studying for their finals.”
Upper-year student Sydney Reid advised taking breaks between studying in her message: “Remember to take breaks to clear your head! Go on a walk, have a snack, or grab something to drink.”
And Tianna Cherubin provided advice on how to prepare for exams: “Something I like to do is to get all of my notes together for each class two weeks before the exam.”
Vo said he is happy with the leadership shownby upper-year students providing support to new Lancers.
“We’re hoping to do this every year so that all first-year students are reminded that we will be there to help whenever they need us,” he said.