Do you like to discuss new ideas? Solve problems? Make new connections? WE-Spark Think Tanks may be for you.
The Dec. 3 event will begin with an update on local health research activities and new funding opportunities, followed by an overview of three projects that are looking for creative input and breakout sessions:
Pharmacogenomics using patient-derived glioblastoma models
Ana C. DeCarvalho, Henry Ford Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery
All areas of science and clinical backgrounds welcome, including students.
Establishing cognitive health research in Windsor-Essex: challenges and opportunities
Kristoffer Romero, University of Windsor Department of Psychology
Seeking physicians (neurologists, psychiatrists, physiatrists, geriatricians) in hospitals and community medical clinics and community organizations relevant to older adults, from those providing recreation and maintaining aging in place, to those who deal with older adults with dementia. Students also welcome.
Exploring solutions to the challenges of managing life-threatening illnesses in Canada, in patients that have only limited health insurance
Caroline Hamm, Sahar Khan, Indryas Woldie, Windsor Regional Hospital, oncology
This discussion would benefit from people with backgrounds in law, advocacy, social work, and expertise working with migrant and refugee populations. Students are welcome as well.
WE-Spark Health Institute hosts the bi-monthly sessions, open to everyone. Click here to register for the December event, which will run 1 to 3:30 p.m.