Applications are now live for students to apply for scholarships and bursaries for the 2021-22 academic year.
This “how-to” document will assist students with navigating through the application process.
Students who require assistance with their applications can join one of the drop-in sessions offered weekly.
“Many awards have early fall deadlines,” says Marian Doll, director of Student Awards and Financial Aid. “So we encourage students to log in UWinsite Student > Student Homepage > Award Profile as soon as possible to start applying. There is no limit on the number of awards that a student can apply for and we encourage students to follow the how-to document at least once as they navigate through the profile.”
Director of graduate academic services, Marie Hawkins, says that “applications for most donor-sponsored graduate awards are now available through the Award Profile as well.”
Find additional information on applying for scholarships and bursaries for the 2021-22 academic year: