The English Language Improvement Program (ELIP) welcomed its Intersession 2021 cohort with pre-program start communication through the ELIP iCent App.
The app is designed to guide students through the onboarding steps needed to start online learning effectively, says office co-ordinator Shelby Marchand.
“It features resources such as UWindsor student services and direct links to the Windsor community to facilitate student exploration of the campus and beyond, even if they are not in the country,” she says. “We anticipate this communication channel will be a useful tool to help students navigate through the supports offered.”
Anouchka Plumb, manager of language programs for Continuing Education, says the app serves to build the confidence of students as they embark on their UWindsor language pathway experience.
“This mobile software suite has helped our team connect with international students to provide them with a range of program, university-wide, and community-based information which serves as preparation for the coming terms,” says Dr. Plumb.
She notes that current conditions have increased the value of providing students with access to resources before they begin their studies.
“We want our students to feel they have made the right decision in choosing our program to develop their skills for continuing success,” Plumb says.