The move to virtual mode challenged but did not defeat organizers of the 2021 UWill Discover Conference.
Held March 29 to April 1, it featured presentations, performances, demonstrations, and prototypes by undergraduate and graduate students from more than a dozen disciplines: science, engineering, business, human kinetics, law, arts, humanities, social sciences, nursing, and medicine.
“Special thanks are due to the students and staff who managed this year’s conference,” said staff advisor Simon du Toit. “There was need for some excellent crisis management, but the team came through with flying colours!”
The conference received more than 70 submissions and offered asynchronous and synchronous components on the ForagerOne Symposium platform.
“We’re so grateful for the broad participation of our sponsors this year, which allowed us to sustain the conference in these challenging circumstances,” Dr. du Toit said.
Top presentations received awards and cash prizes.
The annual conference is led by a student-run steering committee, already looking forward to next year. To indicate an interest in joining, email