Windsor Law’s Cities and Climate Action Forum will welcome Green Party of Canada leader Annamie Paul virtually over Zoom for a public conversation today — Monday, March 8 — at 4:30 p.m.
Elected in October 2020 through a ranked ballot process, Paul is the country’s first Black national party leader. She takes the helm at a critical time — the country is still in the throes of battling COVID-19, the climate crisis continues to rage, Canadians are being called upon to show real responses to the deepening socio-economic and racial inequities in our society. Many of these effects are most deeply felt at the local level, and municipal governments are at the forefront of responding.
The event will be moderated by law students Narmada Gunawardana, Klaudia Grabkowska, and Aucha Stewart. They are supervised by forum director and Windsor Law professor Anneke Smit this semester as part of the clinical and experience learning component of their legal education. The group will discuss pressing issues facing the country, as well as Paul’s pathway from law student to lawyer to national political leader.
"We are excited to learn more about Madame Paul’s career trajectory from her time at law school to becoming the Leader of the Green Party of Canada,” says Grabkowska. “We’re eager to hear her perspectives on the current state and future of climate action in Canada including the role of cities and local governments.”
Established in 2019, the forum is a policy clinic that aims to increase public engagement, community capacity building, and research support for municipalities on the policy tools of local-level climate action.
This event is free and open to the public. To attend, register on the Cities and Climate Action Forum website.