Over the last few years, the Faculty of Science has been partnering with biochemistry alumnus Sameer Jafar (BSc 20-15) on videos that highlight the student experience in science. Their latest collaboration, entitled “What will You Put on your Resumé?” focuses on an array of research that undergraduate science students are engaged in.
During his student years, Jafar participated in undergraduate research at the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research with professor Dan Heath and on computational genetics with professor James Gauld.
After graduating from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Jafar combined his experiences in science with his passion for media to launch a video production company, BlackCat Ltd. His work showcases the effect that science and technology have on the world, and the impact of students and researchers.
“I found myself in awe of the subject matter, happily perplexed and curious about the process behind the science. Having been drawn toward making home videos and the performing arts, it was natural for me to express my enthusiasm for science through a visual medium,” Jafar says. “The Faculty of Science gave me the freedom to find my stride. I’m confidently building a life for myself in the film industry, approaching projects with a scientist’s lens.”
Dora Cavallo-Medved, learning specialist in biomedical sciences and faculty advisor to the video production, calls Jafar an example of a science graduate who has found common ground between art and science.
“The skills he developed through his undergraduate experiences are versatile and his journey in science in unique,” says Dr. Cavallo-Medved. “And the fact that we are still working with Sameer years later also illustrates our deep commitment to our students well beyond graduation.”
The Faculty of Science supports student career development through the USci Network and in partnership with the Career Development and Experiential Learning Office. They host a Careers in Science Week filled with professional development workshops, a LinkedIn contest to help students build their online profiles and showcase alumni in a variety of science careers.
“It important for students to know that a science degree offers many diverse career opportunities, but it’s the experiences students have that will help them to stand out,” says Cavallo-Medved.
She cites the unprecedented opportunities to participate in undergraduate research and blend arts and sciences as one of the reasons that the faculty is the Destination Science program in Ontario.