photo of campusThe Windsor-Essex County Health Unit has confirmed another case of COVID-19 on the UWindsor campus.

Health unit confirms another campus case of COVID-19

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit has confirmed another case of COVID-19 on the UWindsor campus, unrelated to those previously reported. The affected member of the campus community is self-isolating and all appropriate protocols and cleaning measures have been taken.

As with all COVID-19 cases, the WECHU will lead all contact tracing and the University continues to work with and support the health unit as needed. There is no additional risk to the campus community at this time.

The University of Windsor is currently following a remote learning model with most classes being held online this semester. Students, staff, and faculty are reminded to restrict social gatherings, practice good hygiene; wear a mask; keep 2m from others when possible; and complete a self-assessment questionnaire prior to attending campus, available at:

Updates will be provided at

The University’s response to confirmed cases of COVID-19 can be found here: