Casual “hallway talk” helps to destress the day and remind colleagues of their connections, Vincent Georgie, director of the School of Creative Arts, says in a video posted today to the “Virtual Connections” website for UWindsor staff and faculty.
“As we’re all adjusting to working at home or different alternative spaces, one thing that we’re losing in our daily lives is the great connectivity, the friendship that we have with our colleagues,” he says. “How do we build in that social component that we’re looking for?”
One suggestion is to begin sharing coffee breaks over teleconference within or across departments.
Talk around the water cooler builds collaborative relationships, promotes mental health, and creates a caring work culture.
Dr. Georgie suggests setting a time with friends and co-workers, pouring a cup of joe or tea, and logging on to a shared virtual space, whether Microsoft Teams, Skype, Zoom, or FaceTime.
The University has struck a working group to foster connections among staff and faculty during the period of working from home. Direct ideas and suggestions to Mary Ann Rennie at mrennie@uwindsor.ca.