As the University of Windsor has transitioned to an essential services only model and will be working remotely, most faculty and staff on campus are no longer receiving regular mail from Distribution Services, including invoices sent through the mail.
The Finance department will continue to issue payments to suppliers during this time, but asks suppliers to email all invoices requiring payment to This will ensure that the invoice is received and processed in a timely manner.
Note: the Finance department is still receiving weekly mail from Distribution Services and will continue to process invoices that come through the mail which are addressed directly to the Finance Department. Any suppliers who mail invoices to the University but do not address them directly to the Finance department will not be paid.
The department is asking faculty and staff to contact any suppliers they are expecting invoices from and have them email invoices to This will ensure that the invoice is received by Accounts Payable and processed.
Encourage all suppliers to register for direct deposit payments from the University if they have not already done so. The supplier can register for direct deposit/EFT payments with the University by completing the Supplier Direct Deposit Form and emailing the completed form, with a copy of a void cheque, to
Any questions regarding supplier invoicing and payment can be emailed to