Sofie JarvisUWindsor acting grad Sofie Jarvis, seen here in the role of Helen in the University Players production of “The Penelopiad,” stars in “Salt-Water Moon” this week in the Jackman Dramatic Art Centre.

Choir director hits right note in theatre trivia contest

UWindsor choir director Bruce Kotowich won Monday’s DailyNews trivia quiz and its prize of two tickets to see the Canadian romantic comedy Salt-Water Moon, July 11 to 13 in the Hatch Studio Theatre, Jackman Dramatic Art Centre.

Directed by acting professor Lionel Walsh and starring recent grad Sofie Jarvis as Mary Snow and James Kern as Jacob Mercer, the play tells the story of two young Newfoundlanders finding their way to love on a moonlit night.

Kotowich’s entry was drawn from all those which correctly identified the names of the main characters, Leaving Home as an earlier work by playwright David French, and the University of Windsor as hosting him as writer-in-residence in 2007.

Performances are set at 7:30 p.m. all three dates. Admission is $20, with a student and senior rate of $15. For tickets or more information, phone 519-564-3601 or email