Rehearsals for a production of the Canadian romantic comedy Salt-Water Moon employed unique exercises developed in the Inspired Acting Lab led by director Lionel Walsh, a professor in the School of Dramatic Art.
Recent UWindsor grad Sofie Jarvis and her co-star James Kern were part of the team of students who created the exercises in “fantastic realism,” Walsh says.
“The goal of fantastic realism is give the performance a sense of exciting theatricality while remaining grounded in truth,” he says. “The result is a compelling performance that draws the audience into the experience with the actors.”
Jarvis plays Mary Snow and Kern her suitor Jacob Mercer in a story Walsh describes as a classic love story filled with humour — funny, touching, and heart-warming.
Performances are set in the Hatch Studio Theatre, Jackman Dramatic Art Centre, at 7:30 p.m. July 11, 12, and 13. Admission is $20, with a student and senior rate of $15. For tickets or more information, phone 519-564-3601 or email northernbrucetheatre@mdirect.net.