Her research and advocacy has earned doctoral candidate Jane McArthur a $2,500 US scholarship from Sociologists for Women in Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to the development of feminist sociological theory.
A PhD student in sociology and social justice, McArthur studies understandings of breast cancer risks in female workers at the Ambassador Bridge. She said she was “beyond thrilled and so sincerely honoured” to learn she will receive the Barbara Rosenblum Cancer Dissertation Scholarship at an awards reception August 11 in New York.
“The stories of the women at the bridge are stories that deserve to be told and to be acted upon,” said McArthur. “I am glad to be a part of that knowledge sharing process, and to see that the research is recognized for its value and its contributions to the field.”
The scholarship honours the memory of a long-time member of Sociologists for Women in Society, who died in 1988. It is intended to encourage doctoral research in sociology, anthropology, psychology, and related fields on women’s experience of breast cancer — and to make this type of research accessible to the public through speaking and publishing for lay audiences.
In announcing the award, the judges noted her background in communications and commitment to education and advocacy:
“Though her work for improved well-being and justice has often had breast cancer as a focus, she also works through broader issues of health and well-being as they intersect with gender, race, class and inequalities in power, all with a view to empowerment and social change from the grassroots up through various levels of governance.”
McArthur’s video on her research has been chosen as one of 25 finalists in the national Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Storytellers competition. She will travel to British Columbia in June to present it before a live audience at the annual Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences.