Graduands can get the most out of their Convocation session by pre-ordering diploma frames, leaving more time to celebrate with family and friends, advises the University of Windsor Alumni Association.
The association provides a framing service during the four days of graduation celebrations, which run this spring from May 28 to 31 in the St. Denis Centre.
For the most efficient option, grads can avoid line-ups by pre-ordering a diploma frame and scheduling to pick it up. Those who pre-order by May 17 for pick-up at convocation receive a complimentary business card holder courtesy of the Alumni Association.
To view frame styles, visit the Alumni Affairs and Donor Communications Office, room 109, Stephen and Vicki Adams Welcome Centre. The office offers diploma framing year-round.
To place an order, visit www.uwindsor.ca/diplomaframes or phone 519-971-3618.