Google Home voice-activated smart speakerAnswer 20 trivia questions about the University of Windsor to qualify for a draw for a Google Home voice-activated smart speaker.

Trivia contest to measure UWindsor spirit

A game of 20 questions will earn one lucky winner a Google Home voice-activated smart speaker as part of a new campaign to build UWindsor spirit, headed by the Office of Student Experience.

As part of a larger effort to raise pride in everything UWindsor, UWin Proud poses 20 trivia questions about the University of Windsor. Students, faculty, and staff with the most correct entries will enter a random draw for the device, which responds to voice commands as an electronic personal assistant, calculator, dictionary, translator, and jukebox.

How well do you know UWindsor? Play the game and submit your answers by Wednesday, September 26.

Next week will kick off the UWin Day campaign, with activities leading up to free cake for students starting at noon Thursday, September 27, in four campus locations: the CAW Student Centre, Odette Building, Centre for Engineering Innovation, and SoCA Armouries.

Additional staff and faculty elements of the UWin Proud campaign will roll out in the coming months. For more information on all the ways to participate, visit the UWin Proud website.