Registration open for lifelong learning programs

This is the last call for registering for fall semester classes offered through Uni-Com Lifelong Learning, with the first session of “Poetry for All” set for September 24 in Alumni Hall’s McPherson Lounge.

This is the organization’s 32nd year of study groups on a wide variety of areas of interest for seniors from the University (Uni) and from the community (Com).

Other classes this term include:

  • Tai Chi and Fitness;
  • History: Going, Going, Gone;
  • City Doors;
  • The World of Ancient Greeks;
  • First Nations: Art and Issues;
  • Through New Eyes: Poetry Old and New;
  • The Law and Morality; and
  • The World of Andy Warhol and other new exhibits at the Art Gallery of Windsor.

Course terms run five or nine weeks. Find detailed descriptions and registration instructions on the Uni-Com website,