There are many misconceptions about cancer research, says biology professor Lisa Porter: clearing them up is the responsibility of the researchers themselves. That’s why she is proud to lead a team from her lab in a walk this weekend to support the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada.
The annual fundraiser will set off from the Riverside Sportsmen Club at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 9.
“The Brain Tumour Walks remind us that it is important for us to remain connected to the purpose of what we do every day,” Dr. Porter says. “I can’t even describe the inspiration that I get from the people I meet through these events — it is often these few hours with the public that gives me the fuel I need to write the next grant proposal or to dig into months-long experiments that will take our research to the next level.”
The Windsor Cancer Research Group will staff a booth during Saturday’s event to show participants how local clinicians, academics, and students are collaborating to explore treatments and better outcomes for people with brain tumours.
“When people in our community hear about research, they think it is something that happens somewhere else,” says the group’s co-ordinator, Karen Metcalfe. “But when they have researchers present, they can see it is happening in their own community.”
Learn more, register to join, or make a donation on the foundation’s website.