Feb 7th, 2018
Would you hire you, if you Googled yourself today? When you graduate, are you more than a collection of courses and a transcript?
A free workshop Friday, February 9, will offer tools and approaches to get you started on building your brand online.
Instructors Tim Brunet, Alicia Higginson, and Lorna Stolarchuk will discuss:
- what an ePortfolio is and how it can help you brand yourself;
- how to connect your personal and professional life;
- the availability of and support for ePortfolio tools;
- how to use the powerful features within LinkedIn to build your online professional presence.
“Building Your Brand — ePortfolios, LinkedIn, and More” will provide an introduction to ePortfolios and a hands-on opportunity to build a LinkedIn profile. Those wanting to edit or launch LinkedIn profiles should bring laptops to the workshop.
Part of the UWill Discover! series, the session will run 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Friday in room 255, Dillon Hall. Register on the series website.