Working at a University means you’re expected to follow a certain set of rules.
But according to Jennifer Willet, an associate professor in the School of Creative Arts, sometimes those rules are meant to be broken.
That’s why she’s taking the opportunity to christen her INCUBATOR bioart laboratory facility by throwing a party this Saturday in its new home at 37 University Avenue East.
“We’re going to do all the things in the lab that you’re not allowed to do in a lab before it gets certified,” Dr. Willet said. “So, we’re going to have a party. We’re going to be barefoot, drink alcohol, eat food and really break down the boundaries.”
Bioart is a form of art that fuses scientific processes and materials for a gallery setting.
Feasting the Lab is a free and public celebration of the bioart facility and will include food and a cash bar operated by Thyme to Go, live performances, an art exhibition, DJ and choral music performances and an end of the night mini-parade. Performances start at 7:30 p.m. and run until 10:30 p.m.
For more information, visit