The Windsor Cancer Research Group leads to a sharing of ideas, skills and resources, says Sindu Kanjeekal, a medical oncologist at Windsor Regional Hospital.
“One of the great benefits of being part of the WCRG has been the opportunity for new relationships and collaboration with scientists at the University of Windsor,” she says. “This leads directly to exciting research ideas and collaborations that would have been otherwise unlikely.”
Dr. Kanjeekal’s testimonial is one of several in the group’s 2016 impact report, “Bridging Research and Hope.”
Biochemistry professor John Trant also discusses the exceptional opportunity the group affords him to connect with colleagues and clinicians.
“There is nothing else like this in Canada that I am aware of, and it makes starting my independent career here in Windsor the best possible decision U could have made,” says Dr. Trant. “Simply put, the WCRG bridges discovery with implementation and means that my molecules will not just be intellectual curiosities, but can be further investigated and translated into potential therapies.”
The report details the group’s growth to encompass 285 members, including a core of 19 researchers who earned $613,000 in grant funding and produced 24 peer-reviewed publications in 2016. Read the entire report.