Mar 21st, 2017
Musicians will be blowing their own horns in a free recital this evening — Tuesday, March 21 — in Assumption Hall’s Heritage Auditorium.
The Brass Studios Recital will feature the talents of many musicians in solo, quintet, low brass and trumpet ensemble performances.
Trumpeters Amanda Hanson, Preston Leschyna, Matthew Lepain, Niklas Pizzolitto, Bryan Tran, and Austin Di Pietro; horn player Maggie Forshaw; Henry Breitkopf on tuba; and trombonists Nathan Duczman, Lindsay Goddard, Abby Erwied, and Michael Stone present a program that ranges from Bach, Haydn and Vivaldi to Bugler’s Holiday.
The show starts at 8 p.m. Find more details on the event website.
Academic Area: