Provost Douglas Kneale wants to know who or what helps students, faculty, and staff at the University of Windsor to stick with it when the going gets tough.
He is making “What helps you stick with it?” his Question of the Month for March.
“We know there are obstacles — personal, academic, economic — that might prevent or discourage students from progressing year after year toward their degrees, but we also know that students find inspiration and support in all sorts of people, programs, and contexts on campus,” Dr. Kneale says. “We’d like to know more about what’s motivating them to persevere.”
This month’s focus on perseverance is part of a larger campus exploration of what it takes to attract students and what it takes to keep them enrolled, engaged, and ultimately successful during their time on campus.
Kneale has also extended an invitation to staff and faculty to respond, based on their experiences in seeing students thrive despite the many challenges of university education.
“This month’s question is a great way to learn more about how our campus community works together to fulfill our mission to students,” he says.
Visit the “Question of the Month” page on the provost’s website to see summaries of the questions, the responses, and actions resulting from past questions.